How Do Professional Dog Walkers Take Care of Your Furry Friend in Brooklyn?

Having a furry friend is indeed an exciting experience, but it requires lots of patience, care, devotion, and time. You are not only confined to grooming, training, and feeding but also focusing on many more things, including exercises and mental stimulation. When it comes to walking with your furry friend, you need to spend much more time. But if you do not have sufficient time for walking with your puppy, then you can depend on professional dog walkers in Brooklyn. They take care of your dog in the following ways: 

Professional Dog Walkers Are Familiar with All the Details of the Pet

Professional dog walkers in Brooklyn under the needs of your furry friend, including walking habits, breed, age, medical requirements, and how long your furry friend usually walks. In addition, they will cater to your dog’s needs during their walk, such as slower and shorter walks. 

Chooses the Right Leash for Your Furry Friend

It is quite normal for your dog to be excited and have high energy when taking a walk. Professional dog walkers make sure your dog’s leash is securely attached to their collar, and their collar is not too tight or too loose. The dog walker fits two fingers between the dog’s neck and collar. They also consider using a well-fitted harness for those dogs who love to pull.

Dog Walkers Bring Water and Poo Bags with Them

Dog walkers bring lots of water to keep your dog hydrated. They may also give treats suitable to your dog’s health and diet as a reward for their good behavior during their walk. They will carry poo bags as they will need to pick up your dog’s poop during the walk.

Dog Walkers Make Sure Your Dog Has a Name Tag

Before taking your dog for a walk, they make sure that your dog has a name tag with the owner’s contact details.

Dog Walkers Check the Weather

It is harmful for dogs to walk during hot weather as they may get blisters on their paws if the pavement is too hot, as well as suffer from heatstroke. So, dog walkers always check the weather and the pavement before going on a walk. Remember that when you cannot place your hand on the pavement for more than 5 seconds, it is too hot for your dog. On hotter days, dog walkers try walking in the mornings or late evenings and stick to the shaded streets.

At QC Dog Walking, we are professional dog walkers in Brooklyn. Our walkers are trained and encouraged to stay with your dog throughout the entire walk. We also provide the walkers with backup leashes and doggy bags.

Briefly Put!

If you want to see your doggie in a good health condition, allow them to go for a walk with professional dog walkers in Brooklyn. These walkers will take good care of your furry friend when walking. 


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